Thursday, August 23, 2007

It's not finished 'till it finished

Buat yang ngikutin kisah FAT BOY SLIM, mungkin inilah akhir dari kisah tersebut.

I lost my opportunity to share my skill and knowledge and opportunity to give my best contribution to this company in the next level.

And it’s because of my weight.

Sayang sih, padahal di kepala gw udah banyak rencana untuk back up calon bos gw. Ya, sudah lah. Awalnya gw sempet marah dan kesel juga. Tapi mungkin ini bukan rejeki gw dan bukan rejeki dia juga.

So guys, thank you for your support and pray.

Life is always fair. But we, the part of living itself, are the most unfair.

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